REFS NEEDED!, News (Highland Storm)

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Aug 30, 2022 | Cheryl Smith | 579 views
Highland Storm is reaching out for REFEREES for this upcoming season!

We, like all minor hockey associations across Canada, are struggling with a shortage of referees. This has a very real impact on the program we can offer here in Haliburton County. It affects the number of games we can host at home, both regular season and the number of tournaments, and unfortunately the shortage can result in game cancellations.
We are asking for support to help us resolve this problem, and you will make some money along the way!
Are you a former referee that just needs re-certification? (That would be a different program, but we can get you the info)
Is your child 14 or older and interested in being a referee for the younger age groups (does not need to be an active hockey player)
Are you an adult interested in trying something new?
There will be an OMHA Referee School being held Sept 17-18th in Oshawa, please review the attachment for all the details.
Deadline for Registration is August 31, 2022.
All participants that complete the Referee school and are part of a regular Referee rotation for Highland Storm will be reimbursed the registration fee of $200 (plus tax).
Let us know if you have any questions.