U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
Barrie Cutting Edge Classic
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
Barrie Cutting Edge Classic
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
Lefroy Fall Faceoff
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
U15LL Silverstick Tournament
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
@ Millbrook Stars GreenU13TC-122
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
@ Sturgeon Lake Thunder BlackU11TC-188
Fenelon Falls
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
vs Brock Township Wild RedU7RS-31
A. J. LaRue Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
A. J. LaRue Arena
No events for Mon, Nov 25, 2024
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
A. J. LaRue Arena
Timbits Initiation GREEN
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 Select
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
@ Sturgeon Lake ThunderU13VD-69
Fenelon Falls
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Shared Practice with U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
@ Kawartha CoyotesU15VD-31
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
vs Woodville Hurricanes WhiteU9DS-12
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
vs Brock Township Wild WhiteU9DS-15
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
A. J. LaRue Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Bailey's Christmas Tournament
South Muskoka
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
Bailey's Christmas Tournament
South Muskoka
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
Linked Game Cancelled
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Bailey's Christmas Tournament
South Muskoka
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
Bailey's Christmas Tournament
South Muskoka
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
Timbits Initiation GREEN
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
Linked Game Cancelled
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
vs Millbrook StarsU9MD-06
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
Linked Game Cancelled
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
vs Lindsay Muskies WhiteU15LL-86
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
@ Millbrook Stars WhiteU9HI-26
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Bailey's Christmas Tournament
South Muskoka
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
Bailey's Christmas Tournament
South Muskoka
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
Linked Game Cancelled
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
vs Woodville Hurricanes MaroonU9HI-08
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Linked Game Cancelled
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
Linked Game Cancelled
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
vs Lindsay Muskies TealU15LL-82
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
Development Skate
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
Development Skate
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
@ Lindsay MuskiesU13VD-37
Lindsay Rec (1)
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
Dryland Training
Timbits Initiation GREEN
A. J. LaRue Arena
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
vs Kawartha Coyotes WhiteU11TC-40
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
vs Lindsay MuskiesU15VD-19
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Shared Practice with U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Shared Practice with U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
@ U13 LL Blue - Curry ChevroletU13TC-41
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
vs Brock Township WildU15VD-17
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
@ Mariposa LightningU15LL-113
Little Britain
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
A. J. LaRue Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
U18LL Silverstick Tournament
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
@ Sturgeon Lake Thunder NavyU7RS-124
Fenelon Falls
Timbits Initiation GREEN
Keith Tallman Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
Keith Tallman Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
@ Mariposa Lightning WhiteU7RS-89
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
Keith Tallman Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
@ Newcastle StarsU9MD-42
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
@ Brock Township Wild GreenU9HI-01
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Keith Tallman Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
Keith Tallman Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
@ Manvers Mustangs WhiteU11TC-125
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
A. J. LaRue Arena
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
@ Millbrook Stars GoldU13TC-117
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
U18LL Silverstick Tournament
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
@ Kawartha Coyotes RedU13TC-57
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
@ Kawartha CoyotesU11VD-31
No events for Mon, Dec 09, 2024
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
A. J. LaRue Arena
Timbits Initiation GREEN
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
@ Lindsay MuskiesU9HI-15
Lindsay Rec (2)
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
@ Lindsay Muskies WhiteU18LL-96
Lindsay Rec (2)
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
vs Sturgeon Lake ThunderU15VD-24
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
@ Sturgeon Lake Thunder RedU13TC-142
Fenelon Falls
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Shared Practice with U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
@ Lindsay Muskies TealU13TC-74
Lindsay Rec (1)
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
@ Sturgeon Lake Thunder WhiteU15LL-129
Fenelon Falls
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Shared Practice with U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
vs Sturgeon Lake ThunderU11VD-24
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
A. J. LaRue Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
@ Brock Township Wild GreenU18LL-04
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
vs Ennismore
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
vs Millbrook Stars WhiteU18LL-50
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
U13LL Silverstick Tournament
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
Keith Tallman Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
@ Bancroft
Bancroft Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
@ Brock Township Wild BlackU7RS-01
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
Keith Tallman Arena
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
Keith Tallman Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
@ Woodville HurricanesU11TC-224
Timbits Initiation GREEN
Keith Tallman Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
@ Millbrook Stars GreenU9HI-24
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
Keith Tallman Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
Keith Tallman Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
Keith Tallman Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
Keith Tallman Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
U13LL Silverstick Tournament
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
@ Sturgeon Lake Thunder RedU11TC-208
Fenelon Falls
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
@ Millbrook StarsU11VD-56
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
@ Brock Township WildU13VD-06
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
Development Skate
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
Development Skate
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
Dryland Training
Timbits Initiation GREEN
A. J. LaRue Arena
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
vs Kawartha CoyotesU15VD-20
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Shared Practice with U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
A. J. LaRue Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
@ Sturgeon Lake Thunder RedU18LL-144
Fenelon Falls
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Shared Practice with U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
Wasaga Beach Silverstick
Wasaga Beach
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
@ Sturgeon Lake Thunder WhiteU13TC-149
Fenelon Falls
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
vs Mariposa LightningU18LL-52
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
Wasaga Beach Silverstick
Wasaga Beach
Timbits Initiation BLUE
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation YELLOW
A. J. LaRue Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Shared Practice with U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
vs Lindsay MuskiesU9DS-10
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
vs Kawartha CoyotesU9MD-32
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
vs Lindsay MuskiesU11VD-19
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
vs Durham CrusadersU15VD-18
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
@ Durham Crusaders BlueU13TC-24
Harman (North)
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
Wasaga Beach Silverstick
Wasaga Beach
Timbits Initiation GREEN
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
@ Lindsay MuskiesU11VD-37
Lindsay Rec (1)
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
vs Manvers MustangsU9HI-07
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
vs Woodville Hurricanes WhiteU9HI-10
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
vs Mariposa Lightning BlueU11TC-37
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
vs Kawartha Coyotes RedU13TC-46
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
@ Lindsay MuskiesU9MD-37
Lindsay Rec (2)
No events for Mon, Dec 23, 2024
No events for Tue, Dec 24, 2024
No events for Wed, Dec 25, 2024
No events for Thu, Dec 26, 2024
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Shared Practice with U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
Keith Tallman Arena
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
Keith Tallman Arena
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
A. J. LaRue Arena
Timbits Initiation GREEN
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
Linked Game Cancelled
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
vs Brock Township WildU11VD-17
A. J. LaRue Arena
No events for Mon, Dec 30, 2024
No events for Tue, Dec 31, 2024
No events for Wed, Jan 01, 2025
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Shared Practice with U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
@ Brock Township Wild GreenU11TC-02
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
@ Lindsay Muskies TealU11TC-82
Lindsay Rec (2)
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
Halton Hills Thunder Memorial
Halton Hills
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
A. J. LaRue Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
Halton Hills Thunder Memorial
Halton Hills
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Shared Practice with U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
A. J. LaRue Arena
Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation BLUE
Keith Tallman Arena
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
vs Mariposa LightningU9MD-33
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
vs Sturgeon Lake Thunder WhiteU13TC-36
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
vs Millbrook StarsU11VD-22
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
@ Brock Township Wild OrangeU7RS-11
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
@ Durham CrusadersU13VD-12
McKinney (2)
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
vs Mariposa Lightning WhiteU13TC-49
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
vs Millbrook Stars WhiteU11TC-35
A. J. LaRue Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
vs Sturgeon Lake Thunder NavyU7RS-34
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
@ Durham Crusaders GreenU15LL-74
Harman (North)
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
Halton Hills Thunder Memorial
Halton Hills
Timbits Initiation GREEN
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
@ Millbrook Stars WhiteU9HI-26
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
vs Newcastle StarsU11VD-23
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
vs Kawartha Coyotes WhiteU9HI-09
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
@ Millbrook Stars GreenU11TC-166
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
vs Mariposa Lightning BlueU7RS-29
A. J. LaRue Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
vs Mariposa Lightning BlackU7RS-36
A. J. LaRue Arena
No events for Mon, Jan 06, 2025
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
Dryland Training
Timbits Initiation BLUE
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation YELLOW
A. J. LaRue Arena
Timbits Initiation GREEN
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Blue - Curry Chevrolet
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
A. J. LaRue Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
vs Brock Township Wild WhiteU18LL-58
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Shared Practice with U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
A. J. LaRue Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
@ Kawartha Coyotes WhiteU15LL-93
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
A. J. LaRue Arena
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
Shared Practice with U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
A. J. LaRue Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
A. J. LaRue Arena
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
vs Lindsay MuskiesU13VD-19
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
Bradford Blue and Gold Tournament
U15 REP - Haliburton TIMBER MART
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
vs Kawartha CoyotesU18LL-57
S. G. Nesbitt Arena
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
Bradford Blue and Gold Tournament
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
U9MD and U9LL Tournament
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
U9MD and U9LL Tournament
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
U9MD and U9LL Tournament
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
@ Mariposa Lightning WhiteD2-2
Timbits Initiation BLUE
Shared Practice with Timbits Initiation YELLOW
Keith Tallman Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
@ Millbrook Stars WhiteD6-4
Lindsay Rec (1)
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
Keith Tallman Arena
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
vs Kawartha Coyotes BlackD2-4
U13 REP- Cheryl Smith RE/MAX
Keith Tallman Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
vs Durham Crusaders BlueD6-7
Lindsay Rec (1)
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
Keith Tallman Arena
Timbits Initiation GREEN
Keith Tallman Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
Shared Practice with U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
Keith Tallman Arena
U7 LL Yellow - Smolen Dentistry
@ Lindsay Muskies GoldD6-1
Lindsay Rec (1)
U15 LL Yellow - The Pepper Mill Steak & Pasta House
Keith Tallman Arena
U7 LL Blue - GJ Burtch Construction
@ Millbrook Stars GreenD2-6
U11 LL - Carquest Minden
Bradford Blue and Gold Tournament
U9 LL Blue - Sharp Electric
U9MD and U9LL Tournament
U9 LL Yellow - Minden Pharmasave
U9MD and U9LL Tournament
U9 MD - Haliburton Hockey Haven
U9MD and U9LL Tournament
U11 REP - Cottage Country Building Supplies
@ Brock Township WildU11VD-06
U13 LL Yellow - Casey Water Wells & Geothermal Inc.
@ Lindsay Muskies WhiteU13TC-80
Lindsay Rec (2)
U18 LL - Tom Prentice & Sons
@ Brock Township Wild WhiteU18LL-16